Gli scambiatori di calore a piastre saldobrasate della serie ABZ sono costituiti da una gamma completa e flessibile di piastre di numerose taglie per risolvere al meglio ogni singolo problema di scambio termico con soluzioni mirate e calcolate su misura per il cliente.

Avvalendosi dei più avanzati sistemi di calcolo è possibile ottenere sempre la soluzione ottimizzata per lo specifico problema termico che il cliente deve risolvere.

Gli scambiatori sono costituiti da un pacco di piastre per lo scambio termico di materiale idoneo ai fluidi che devono scambiare il calore tra loro, tenuto insieme da una brasatura realizzata in diversi tipi di materiale (rame, nichel, acciaio INOX).

Le piastre costituiscono due canali, uno per il fluido caldo che cede calore all’altro, ed uno per quello freddo che riceve il calore.
Lo scambiatore saldobrasato presenta il principale vantaggio della compattezza, dal momento che è costituito dal solo pacco piastre, sicuramente di dimensioni e peso inferiori ad un analogo scambiatore dotato del telaio ispezionabile


Connections ¾” The heat exchangers are constituted by a pack of heat exchange plates of material suitable with the fluids that need to exchange heat, held together by a brazing realized in different types of material (copper, nickel, stainless steel).The plates constitute two channels, one for the hot fluid which transfers heat to the other, and one for the cold that receives the heat. The brazed plate heat exchanger presents the main advantage of the compactness, since it is consisting only of the plate pack, definitely lower in size and weight than a similar heat exchanger equipped with the inspectable frame. TECHNICAL SHEET ABZ07-20 TECHNICAL SHEET ABZ07-30 TECHNICAL SHEET ABZ07-40 RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections ¾” The heat exchangers are constituted by a pack of heat exchange plates of material suitable with the fluids that need to exchange heat, held together by a brazing realized in different types of material (copper, nickel, stainless steel).The plates constitute two channels, one for the hot fluid which transfers heat to the other, and one for the cold that receives the heat. The brazed plate heat exchanger presents the main advantage of the compactness, since it is consisting only of the plate pack, definitely lower in size and weight than a similar heat exchanger equipped with the inspectable frame. TECHNICAL SHEETABZ09-20 TECHNICAL SHEET ABZ09-30 TECHNICAL SHEET ABZ09-40 RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections 1” The heat exchangers are constituted by a pack of heat exchange plates of material suitable with the fluids that need to exchange heat, held together by a brazing realized in different types of material (copper, nickel, stainless steel).The plates constitute two channels, one for the hot fluid which transfers heat to the other, and one for the cold that receives the heat. The brazed plate heat exchanger presents the main advantage of the compactness, since it is consisting only of the plate pack, definitely lower in size and weight than a similar heat exchanger equipped with the inspectable frame. TECHNICAL SHEET ABZ11-30 TECHNICAL SHEET ABZ11-40 TECHNICAL SHEET ABZ11-50 RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections 1 ¼” The heat exchangers are constituted by a pack of heat exchange plates of material suitable with the fluids that need to exchange heat, held together by a brazing realized in different types of material (copper, nickel, stainless steel).The plates constitute two channels, one for the hot fluid which transfers heat to the other, and one for the cold that receives the heat. The brazed plate heat exchanger presents the main advantage of the compactness, since it is consisting only of the plate pack, definitely lower in size and weight than a similar heat exchanger equipped with the inspectable frame. TECHNICAL SHEET ABZ17-40 TECHNICAL SHEET ABZ17-60 TECHNICAL SHEET ABZ17-80 RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections 2” The heat exchangers are constituted by a pack of heat exchange plates of material suitable with the fluids that need to exchange heat, held together by a brazing realized in different types of material (copper, nickel, stainless steel).The plates constitute two channels, one for the hot fluid which transfers heat to the other, and one for the cold that receives the heat. The brazed plate heat exchanger presents the main advantage of the compactness, since it is consisting only of the plate pack, definitely lower in size and weight than a similar heat exchanger equipped with the inspectable frame. TECHNICAL SHEET ABZ36 RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI