Gli scambiatori di calore a piastre ispezionabili della serie AV ed AX possono essere costruiti con materiale idoneo al contatto con alimenti. Il pacco di piastre per lo scambio termico è tenuto insieme da due piastroni di contenimento e dalla necessaria tiranteria, entrambi INOX AISI304/316. Le piastre costituiscono due canali, uno per il fluido caldo che cede calore all’altro, ed uno per quello freddo che riceve il calore. La tenuta dei canali viene assicurata da delle guarnizioni idonee al contatto con alimenti, in diversi materiali a seconda dei fluidi di esercizio.

Lo scambiatore ispezionabile presenta il principale vantaggio della flessibilità, dal momento che può essere costruito seguendo tutte le richieste e necessità del cliente. Inoltre può essere smontato nei suoi singoli componenti.

Questo garantisce più efficienza nelle operazioni di pulizia e manutenzione, oltre a rendere flessibili i processi termici a cui è sottoposto con la possibilità di ampliamento della superficie di scambio mediante la semplice aggiunta di piastre all’interno del pacco.


Connections DN40 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the AV and AX series can be built with material suitable for contact with food. The pack of plates for the heat exchange is held together by two containment plates and the necessary linkage, both in AISI304 / 316 stainless steel. The plates constitute two channels, one for the hot fluid that transfers heat to the other, and one for the cold one that receives the heat. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN40 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the AV and AX series can be built with material suitable for contact with food. The pack of plates for the heat exchange is held together by two containment plates and the necessary linkage, both in AISI304 / 316 stainless steel. The plates constitute two channels, one for the hot fluid that transfers heat to the other, and one for the cold one that receives the heat. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN65 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the AV and AX series can be built with material suitable for contact with food. The pack of plates for the heat exchange is held together by two containment plates and the necessary linkage, both in AISI304 / 316 stainless steel. The plates constitute two channels, one for the hot fluid that transfers heat to the other, and one for the cold one that receives the heat. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN65 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the AV and AX series can be built with material suitable for contact with food. The pack of plates for the heat exchange is held together by two containment plates and the necessary linkage, both in AISI304 / 316 stainless steel. The plates constitute two channels, one for the hot fluid that transfers heat to the other, and one for the cold one that receives the heat. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN65 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the AV and AX series can be built with material suitable for contact with food. The pack of plates for the heat exchange is held together by two containment plates and the necessary linkage, both in AISI304 / 316 stainless steel. The plates constitute two channels, one for the hot fluid that transfers heat to the other, and one for the cold one that receives the heat. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN100 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the AV and AX series can be built with material suitable for contact with food. The pack of plates for the heat exchange is held together by two containment plates and the necessary linkage, both in AISI304 / 316 stainless steel. The plates constitute two channels, one for the hot fluid that transfers heat to the other, and one for the cold one that receives the heat. RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN100 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the AV and AX series can be built with material suitable for contact with food. The pack of plates for the heat exchange is held together by two containment plates and the necessary linkage, both in AISI304 / 316 stainless steel. The plates constitute two channels, one for the hot fluid that transfers heat to the other, and one for the cold one that receives the heat. RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI