LeaderBox COND HH, HHH, HL, HLL and LL are indispensable components in the case of systems divided into more zones, also mixed, with high temperature zones (radiators) and low temperature zones (radiant panels / fan coils), and in particular when the flow of water necessary to serve the system is higher than that supplied by the boiler circulator.
The plate heat exchanger is the interface for separating the circuits and allows the best performance to be achieved thanks to the heat exchange in a turbulent flow regime inside the plate pack. The Leaderbox COND are equipped with a secondary booster pump for the high temperature circuit, booster pump, safety thermostat and 0-10V motorized mixing valve for low temperature circuits, and a pressure gauge and valve for correct filling of the plant.
The temperature probe on the system delivery in the low temperature areas, together with the Regoleader controller present in the installed electrical panel, allows the electronic regulation of the low temperature circuit with its setpoint.
The Leaderbox COND are equipped with the safety components necessary for a correct and easy installation of the product. In particular, on the secondary circuit there is a safety valve with a calibration pressure of 3 bar and two limit thermostats with automatic reset that shut off the pump and the motorized valve with a redundant safety system in case of exceeding the safety limit of 50 ° C temperature, as required by the UNI EN 1264-4: 2003 standard.
Configurations without regulation and with 3-point actuators wired on terminal blocks can be supplied on request.